🪐NFT Universe

Master NFT (EBT1)

  • tripled passive income in terms of kickback (protection fee) of a referred friend whenever he pays for his subscriptions using Revuto, from 6% to 18%

  • early access to another special secret pool with pre-subscription period

  • a special badge in Discord and/or Telegram

  • R Fund NTF perks:

    • opportunity to participate early in public sales of other CNT in Revuto app with special conditions/terms

  • Rstronaut NFT perks

All EBT1 investors received their unique EBT1 Master NFT.

EBT1 Master NFT holders will enjoy the benefits of the Rstronaut NFT, but they won't be able to boost their APR, boost their lottery chances, or similar if they don’t stake in the Staking Center. More APR on no APR is worth nothing. Boosting chances on no chance for the lottery is worth nothing too. EBT1 investors and Master NFT holders will be excluded from the chance to get a special T-shirt and one-time reward of up to $10K in REVU if they don’t obtain the Rstronaut NFT.

Qualification deadline: May 2021 (Revuto Token Sale) Tradable: YES

Special NFT

  • doubled passive income in terms of kickback (protection fee) of a referred friend whenever he pays for his subscriptions using Revuto, from 6% to 12%

In order to receive this NFT – stake a minimum of 2000 REVU in the Basic Staking Poll (10% APR) in the Revuto's Staking Center for 6 months.

Qualification deadline: no deadline Tradable: Yes

R Fund NFT

  • opportunity to participate early in public sales of other CNTs in Revuto app with special conditions/terms

  • quadrupled (4x) chances for CNTs Lottery airdrop every 6 months

  • R Fund special T-shirt

Time sensitive: Grab ZEKE tokens at 50% discount compared to the public sale price!

In order to receive this NFT - stake a minimum of 500 ADA in the R Fund Staking Pool (15% APR) in the Revuto's Staking Center for 12 months.

Qualification deadline: until the R Fund pool reaches hardcap of $1M Tradable: Yes

Rstronaut NFT

  • $10.000 – one time reward in REVU when the price of REVU reaches 2$ and stays above 2$ for a period of 30 days period

  • boosted APR in ADA, REVU and other CNTs up to 20%

  • a special badge in Discord and/or Telegram

  • early access to another special secret pool where holders of the Rstronaut NFT will have a pre-subscription period

  • Rstronaut T-shirt

  • boosted chances to win an airdrop lottery

Qualification deadline: end of GENS ISPO subscription period

Tradable: Yes

In order to receive this NFT - stake a minimum of 2000 REVU in every of the 8 CNT staking pools, starting from GENS ISPO + a minimum of 200 ADA in the R Fund Staking Pool (15% APR) in the Revuto's Staking Center.

Time sensitive: don't forget to stake in the upcoming CNT staking pools in order to receive your Rstronaut NFT

Last updated